Dennis is the author of six books on popular astronomy, hundreds of articles, and dozens of planetarium and video scripts. Since 1992,
he has written Stargazers, the only syndicated weekly newspaper column on astronomy.
STARGAZERS (weekly syndicated column)
If your local newspaper does not carry this popular column—now in its 33rd consecutive year—you can read current or
recent articles online or you can subscribe and receive it every week FREE via e-mail! And you can request that your
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The Backyard Astronomer: A Guide to Stargazing, Michael Friedman Publishing Group, Inc., New York, NY, 1996;
Inne Słońca, Inne Światy?, (translated from English into Polish from Other Suns, Other Worlds?), Proszyński I S-ka,
Warsaw, Poland, 1996; ISBN83-7180-300-1
Other Suns. Other Worlds?, co-authored with Donald W. McCarthy, Jr., St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 1995;
The Night Sky: An Observer's Guide, Michael Friedman Publishing Group, Inc., 1993; ISBN0-7924-5689-0
Start Exploring Space: A Fact-Filled Coloring Book, Running Press, Philadelphia, PA, 1991; ISBN0-89471-864-9
Star Hunters: The Quest to Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Michael Friedman Publishing Group, Inc., New York,
NY, 1990; ISBN1-86325-084-0
Start Exploring the Night Sky, Running Press, Philadelphia, PA, 1989; ISBN0-89471-764-2